The Sorrows of the World

Picture of a rainbow with grey clouds and a tree to the side

Grey clouds with a rainbow and a tree to the side

I couldn't find the words today, I wanted to speak but words evaded me. The grief and rage I felt in my body and my being too big for small words. Sometimes there aren't the words, sometimes it's difficult to say or portray what you're feeling or what you're witnessing.

I am sitting deeply with the grief of the world right now. What we are seeing and witnessing, I believe in a way that we haven't experienced before. Our access to information has changed and we can choose, and I'm choosing, to really see what's here. To listen deeply with consciousness. It takes a lot, it would be so very easy to turn away, but I want to lean in, I want to see and feel everything that's here. For me and for humanity.

The grief is deep. I can feel it in my heart and my bones. It's palpable. And somehow as I write these words to you I realise how appropriate that this would be. That my personal experience of what's happening in the world is grief. This is my work, and so it is that I feel and experience the grief of the world.

It's not just in the world, it's within our own lives too, so much changing, releasing, letting go, shifting and moving.

I wonder if there's always a mirror? What's going on inside to outside, in the world and within us, within our lives and what's going on elsewhere.

And we find ourselves in Autumn too. The season of grief, of letting go. I always find myself here at this time of year. Always with resistance initially, some part of me fighting in a society that says our sorrows aren't allowed, our grief and our outrage aren't allowed, somehow locked in my being. Then my soul remembers, that this is exactly where I'm meant to be.

The title of this post comes from Francis Weller and his 5 gates of grief.

Nicola Duffell

Nicola is a woman who is walking this path. She knows the deepest, darkest heartbreak that comes from experiencing loss and death. And still she's someone who fiercely believes in the beauty of this life. She is intimately moved by the wonder and grace of being human.

There is a gentle power in the space Nicola holds. She invites you to explore a new way of being, one that heals mind, body, heart and soul.

In words and credentials she's a Writer, Speaker, BANT Registered Nutritional Therapist, Maturation Coach, Executive & Organisational Coach and Reiki Practitioner. She works with grief and soul.

Nicola is registered with The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT), the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and she is also a member of The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

The Opposite to Emptiness Isn’t Fullness


The Grief of Unbelonging