Nicola Duffell

Hi, I’m Nicola,

I am someone who fiercely believes in the beauty of this life we live. I am someone who believes wholeheartedly in the power and magnificence of the body. And I believe that nothing exists in isolation.

Everything is connected. Every thought, feeling, emotion, every sensation in the body. Even how we breathe. We are connected within and we are connected all around. With others, with nature, with all the elements. We are complex beings and therein lies the beauty.


In words and credentials, I’m Nicola Duffell, a BANT Registered Nutritionist, a BodyMind Maturation Coach, ACC Executive and Organisational Coach, Writer and Speaker.  

I’m also a daughter, a mother, a wife, a sister and a friend.

I am a woman who is walking this path. I know the deepest, darkest heartbreak that comes from experiencing loss and death. And I intimately know the wonder of beauty and the grace of life.


My work is built on a foundation of Life, Love and Grief.



Tapping into the unexpected beauty of life. The birds that sing, the seasons that thrive and wane, the beauty and also the sorrow, the dark winter. To experience it all, is to be fully alive.

“We were not meant to live shallow lives, pocked by meaningless routines and the secondary satisfaction of happy hour. We are the inheritors of an amazing lineage, rippling with memories of life lived intimately with bison and gazelle, raven and nights sky. We are designed to encounter this life with amazement and wonder, not resignation and endurance.” 

Francis Weller


I believe that everything begins and ends with love. Coming into loving acceptance for all of who you are, the light and the dark. When we allow this, we invite in the essence of love.

“We all want to love and be loved. Love is the natural order, the main attraction, the mover of nations, the bees in spring, the tender touch, the first and the last word.” 

Jack Kornfield


Grief, a heartbreak so deep, it can break you into a thousand tiny pieces. And yet, it’s sacred. It shows us the depth of love, the fragility of life. To experience sorrow and the darkness of life, is the very essence of life.

It’s my intention is to bring hope where there's none, to bring light in the darkness, to be a safe space in the beautiful storm of life.

“It is the broken heart that can let slip into its core the shimmer of salmon gliding just under the surface of the water, the startling arc of the swift, the wonder of Mozart, and the sheer beauty of sunrise.”

Francis Weller

My work is built on a foundation of Life, Love and Grief.


Tapping into the unexpected beauty of life. The birds that sing, the seasons that thrive and wane, the beauty and also the sorrow, the dark winter. To experience it all, is to be fully alive.

“We were not meant to live shallow lives, pocked by meaningless routines and the secondary satisfaction of happy hour. We are the inheritors of an amazing lineage, rippling with memories of life lived intimately with bison and gazelle, raven and nights sky.  We are designed to encounter this life with amazement and wonder, not resignation and endurance.” 

Francis Weller


I believe that everything begins and ends with love. Coming into loving acceptance for all of who you are, the light and the dark. When we allow this, we invite in the essence of love.

“We all want to love and be loved. Love is the natural order, the main attraction, the mover of nations, the bees in spring, the tender touch, the first and the last word.” 

Jack Kornfield


Grief, a heartbreak so deep, it can break you into a thousand tiny pieces. And yet, it’s sacred. It shows us the depth of love, the fragility of life. To experience sorrow and the darkness of life, is the very essence of life.

It’s my intention is to bring hope where there's none, to bring light in the darkness, to be a safe space in the beautiful storm of life.

“It is the broken heart that can let slip into its core the shimmer of salmon gliding just under the surface of the water, the startling arc of the swift, the wonder of Mozart, and the sheer beauty of sunrise.”

Francis Weller


Foundation Degree in Nutritional Therapy (FdSc) - The Institute for Optimum Nutrition

Diploma in Nutritional Therapy (4 years) - The Institute for Optimum Nutrition

Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice - The Institute for Functional Medicine

BodyMind Maturation Coaching - Nicky Clinch

Organisational & Executive Coaching - Coaching Pacific (ICF accredited programme)

PCC Level Mentor Coaching (two programmes completed) - Coach Advancement

Entering the Healing Ground; Grief Ritual Leadership Training - Francis Weller

Reiki I, II & Mastery - Michelle Roque O’Neill

BA Hons Business Studies

See the logos below for the professional bodies I am registered with.

As required within the field of nutritional therapy and coaching, I undertake continuous professional development.


Gratitude to my teachers

I’m immensely grateful for all the teachers that have touched my life in so many ways and who have allowed me to step into the work that I do with humility and humanity.

To Shelley Bloom who supported me through my own personal journey of grief, and set me on this path. Francis Weller who has gifted me with the workings of soul, grief and ritual, and who I continue to apprenticeship with through this life. Andrea Lucas for her deep, deep nurturing and support. Katie Abbott for the practice of stillness and devotion. To Lindsey Wagstaff who imparts the teachings of Fredrick Matthias Alexander and the art of non-doing in a way that greatly supports my life. To Annalisa Blake for her spiritual guidance, healing body and supporting my whole family. And Jamie Catto, who reminds me not to take this all so seriously.

A special mention also to the teachings of Jack Kornfield and John O’Donohue, both of whom influence the work I do.

Thank you.



Whenever you step in to work with someone, it’s important to get to know them, see if it feels right for you, and for me as the person holding you. If you’d like to know more, book a call with me today.