
The Practice of Metta

Metta is the Buddhist practice of LovingKindness. Here I guide you through a Metta meditation that brings in the essence of LovingKindness, taught to me by my teacher Shelley Bloom. This is a powerful practice to start being in loving connection with yourself, to bring in compassion for all of who you are.


Grief is sacred. Here I share my own personal experiences of grief, how it was for me and the pain and heartbreak that we can experience through grief. I bring the possibility of beauty in experiencing grief and what it means to learn to dance with grief.

The Human Condition

In this video I speak about the human condition, how from fear we create survival mechanisms that keep us protected. As we grow these survival mechanisms no longer serve us, in fact they hinder us and get in the way of us really living this life. What would it mean to peel back the layers and see what's underneath?


A "Hello" message from me to you, as I come back to work after my summer break. If you're interested in working with me, I share some information about all the different things I do.

It’s all with us

Here I talk about responsibility for our own experiences, for the live's we create. It can be a difficult subject to talk about but it's an important one.

Soul Connection

Soul Connection runs deep. It's the connection we have within us, to us. It's the connection to our inner knowing. It's the connection to our body. It's the connection to Mother Earth and nature. It's our connection with life itself. If you want to explore the deep connection to your soul.

See more resources on my YouTube channel.


Anxiety & grief and the impact on skin

I loved this conversation with Hanna as it gave me the opportunity to share my skin story. For years (over 20 years) I had acne on my face, the part of me that was most visible, I wanted to hide away, and I did for a lot of that time. I tried so many things to clear my skin, but it wasn’t until I did the deeper emotional work that it cleared completely. I’ve had clear skin for 5 years now, and it’s changed how I am in the world.

Nourishing Grief

Here I get to talk to the amazing alchemist Ebonie about my own personal experiences of grief. How it changes over time and the impact it has on our whole being; mind, body, emotions and soul. I talk about how ritual and faith have become an important part of my journey with grief. And how grief can open us up to something greater in life.

Loss after Loss

Within this podcast episode I tell it all. I speak about the loss that I’ve experienced in my life, how it tore my life apart and where I am now. How I’ve navigated life, to sit here, in this moment, in a different place and what going through this experience has bought me. Opposite to “everything happens for a reason”, I don’t believe this to be true, but I do believe that it can open something up within us.


An exploration of life

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